Computing Community Consortium Blog

The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.

Posts Tagged ‘NSF


CCC Responds to RFI on the 2023 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan

March 13th, 2023 / in CCC, NITRD, NSF, Privacy, resources / by Haley Griffin

CCC submitted a response to a Request for Information (RFI) released by Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD), National Coordination Office (NCO), and National Science Foundation (NSF) on the 2023 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan. CCC previously released a blog about the importance of the RFI, and encouraged the computing community to respond. CCC’s response was written by: Nadya Bliss (Arizona State University)  Elizabeth Bradley (University of Colorado-Boulder)  Randal Burns (Johns Hopkins University)  Thomas M. Conte (Georgia Institute of Technology)  David Danks (University of California San Diego)  Nathan Evans (Arizona State University)  Kevin Fu (Northeastern University)  Haley Griffin (Computing Community Consortium)  William D. Gropp (University of […]

CCC Submits Response to the OSTP Request for Information on Digital Assets Research and Development

March 8th, 2023 / in CCC, NITRD, NSF, resources / by Catherine Gill

On Friday of last week, the CCC submitted a response to the Request for Information on Digital Assets Research and Development, which was released in January by the OSTP and NSF’s interagency Fast Track Action Committee (FTAC) on Digital Assets Research and Development. The RFI aims to inform a holistic government approach to understanding and regulating digital assets and distributed ledger technology. The response was written by Hank Korth (Lehigh University), Rajmohan Rajaraman (Northeastern University), Catherine Gill (Computing Community Consortium), and Ann Schwartz (Computing Community Consortium).   The term “digital assets” implies a financial application of the term, but digital assets actually have a much broader meaning. Digital assets refer […]

NSF CISE Distinguished Lecture Series: Programming Uncertain Computations by Michael Carbin

March 7th, 2023 / in CIFellows, NSF / by Maddy Hunter

CIFellows Mentor, Michael Carbin is holding a lecture on “Programming Uncertain Computations” as a part of the NSF CISE Distinguished Lecture Series. The lecture will take place online on March 23 from 11am-12:30pm ET. Carbin was a 2020 CIFellows Mentor to Yi Ding at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Talk Abstract: Computer systems must increasingly operate in the presence of uncertainty in their execution environment in that new applications and hardware platforms require our software systems to model and compute with objects that are inherently uncertain in that their behaviors are only given by noisy measurements. This reality presents many new questions about how to interpret, debug, validate, verify, and optimize these […]

Dear Colleague Letter: Request for Information on Future Directions for the NSF Secure & Trustworthy Cyberspace Program

March 2nd, 2023 / in NSF / by Maddy Hunter

The following is a joint Dear Colleague Letter from three Assistant Directors at the National Science Foundation – Margaret Martonosi (CISE), James L. Moore III (STEM Education (EDU)), Susan S. Margulies (Engineering (ENG)) Sean L. Jones (Mathematical & Physical Sciences (MPS)), and Sylvia Butterfield (Social, Behavioral, & Economic Sciences (SBE)). The letter calls for input from the community on possible topics and future directions for cybersecurity and privacy research. You can read the original on the NSF website here. March 1, 2023 Dear Colleagues: OVERVIEW For over a decade, the National Science Foundation’s Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program has been NSF’s flagship cybersecurity and privacy research program, supporting approximately $1 […]

Applications Are Open for the 2023 Departmental BPC Plan Workshop: March 19 Deadline

February 27th, 2023 / in NSF / by Maddy Hunter

By Roohia Meer, CERP Program Associate Applications are now open for the 2023 Departmental Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Plan Workshop. This year’s workshop will be held in Atlanta, GA from May 30th– June 1st in collaboration with Morehouse College. In this workshop, departments will have the opportunity to learn more about BPC efforts from the National Science Foundation (NSF), how to create a Departmental BPC Plan, and how to best support faculty PIs submitting NSF proposals that require a BPC Plan. Consultants from will be available to answer questions and provide real-time feedback about your department’s BPC Plan during the workshop. Please check out the workshop website for […]

Dear Colleague Letter: Bioinspired Design Collaborations to Accelerate the Discovery-Translation Process (BioDesign)

February 22nd, 2023 / in NSF / by Maddy Hunter

The following is a joint Dear Colleague Letter from three Assistant Directors at the National Science Foundation – Simon Malcomber (Directorate for Biological Sciences), Susan S. Margulies (Directorate for Engineering) and Erwin Gianchandani (Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships). The letter calls for proposals and supplemental funding requests for bioinspired designs grounded in foundational and use-inspired research. You can read the original on the NSF website here. February 15, 2023 Dear Colleagues: As stated in the National Science Board’s Vision 2030 report, “[The U.S.] must do more to ensure that discoveries are translated into innovations.”1 Bioinspired design is a powerful means of addressing this imperative which also aligns with Strategic Goal 2 – […]