Computing Community Consortium Blog

The goal of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is to catalyze the computing research community to debate longer range, more audacious research challenges; to build consensus around research visions; to evolve the most promising visions toward clearly defined initiatives; and to work with the funding organizations to move challenges and visions toward funding initiatives. The purpose of this blog is to provide a more immediate, online mechanism for dissemination of visioning concepts and community discussion/debate about them.

South Big Data Hub Roundtable- Anti-Social Computing: Bots, Lies, and the New Information Environment

March 3rd, 2017 / in Announcements, CCC, research horizons, Research News / by Helen Wright

south big data hub log

This month’s Data Science Roundtable called Anti-Social Computing: Bots, Lies, and the New Information Environment is co-hosted by the South Hub, West Hub, and Northeast Hub. It will be held on Thursday, March 9th, 2017 from Noon-1:15 PM EST. Panelists will explore how social media, online news, blogs, etc. – in conjunction with widespread access to the Internet from multiple devices – are creating a new information environment. In this environment, the norms of social interaction, conversation, public discourse, and news reporting are being rewritten.

Trolls and bots can shape conversation, shift discourse, and build bridges among groups who might not otherwise connect. The panel will explore how fake news can spread and discuss the role of different types of actors in creating, spreading, countering, and monitoring such news.

To attend in person, please RSVP to
Carnegie Mellon University
Institute for Software Research
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Wean Hall, 5th floor, room 5324
Directions to the Institute for Software Research

To participate via WebEx: 
To join the WebEx meeting, click here.

For more information, please visit this website. The video recordings of this roundtable discussion are available on Youtube.

As a result of the CCC / CRA Industry Academic Survey, conducted in spring of 2015 and the CCC Industry Roundtable Discussion held on July 24, 2015, the CCC partnered with the four NSF-sponsored Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs for a program on industry-academic collaboration. Each Hub is charged with addressing regional specific big data challenges.

South Big Data Hub Roundtable- Anti-Social Computing: Bots, Lies, and the New Information Environment

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